Meet Matthew

I am Matthew Hann, a nature-loving marketer with a knack for seeing potential where others might see the ordinary. An avid learner, I have spent the past decade honing skills in areas including business development, photography, videography, drone services, graphics design, web development and content creation. Clients lovingly refer to me as their ‘walking marketing department’ as a result.

The ethos for Hann’s On Marketing Ltd. was really sown within the luxurious corridors of a renowned Kingston hotel, where I took on the role of Marketing & Customer Experience Manager. It was here that I honed my skills, ensuring that every guest felt valued, every campaign resonated, every marketing initiative aligned perfectly with our brand’s essence, and above and beyond, that there was operational alignment with brand messaging.

I have always felt a pull towards the raw, unscripted allure of nature. I’m often out on hikes, drawing parallels between the natural world’s organic growth and its interdependency, and the intricacies of a well-executed marketing strategy.

This profound connection led me to a realization: What if I could merge the authenticity of nature with the precision of marketing? And just like that, the seed for Hann’s On Marketing was sown. Transitioning from my role at the hotel, I embarked on a mission to bring a fresh, nature-inspired perspective to marketing.

Today, at Hann’s On Marketing Ltd., I’ve blended my love for nature with my passion for marketing, crafting strategies that are as organic and authentic as the landscapes that inspire them. Join me on this journey, and let’s write your brand’s next chapter together.

Marketing Expertise Include:

High-Profile Events
Real Estate
Solar Energy
Visual Arts
Performing Arts
Market Research

Best Described As:

Visionary · Nature Enthusiast · Strategist · Storyteller · Dedicated Professional · Adventurer · Empathetic Leader · Innovator · Traveler · Lifelong Learner


I’ve done it for clients big and small


Connect today & let's begin our journey.